Dino Sukendro

This century belongs to the US and China: Woe to ye who disown Uncle Sam and who disrespect Uncle Lee

Friday, January 1, 2010

Log Book Jan 01, 2010 on FX closing of Dec 31

Let the DateTable register the following FX majors' closing-price of Dec 31, 2009, hence we shall then reboot the Forex gamesmanship in 2010 with these closing prices as the benchmark to evaluate performance of each currency pair thereon. So, "Beam us up"

AUD/USD: 0.8974; AUD/SGD: 1.2591; AUD/YEN: 83,42; AUD/IDR: 8,469.50
EUR/USD: 1.4331; EUR/SGD: 2.0126; EUR/YEN: 133.32; EUR/IDR: 13,578
GBP/USD: 1.6168; GBP/SGD: 2.2691; GBP/YEN: 150.31;

USD/YEN: 93.00; USD/SGD: 1.4049; USD/IDR: 9,400;

USD/HKD: 7.7538; USD/CNY: 6.8269
HKD/IDR: 1,212; CNY/IDR: 1,377

Reference source:
(a) For IDR, average of bid and offer price provided by the Bank Central Asia website, (b) For the Majors and crosses, we obtained the closing data from Fxstreet, (c) For AUD-EUR-GBP against the SGD crosses, we went to the Yahoo Finance.

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